Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ultrasound February 15

Here is the latest picture of Hope Asaiah. She was very sweet and kept putting her little hand by her face. You can see her hand above her head.

This visit went really well. The ultrasound was the full anatomy scan where they check on the organs and take measurements. From what they could see so far, everything looked good. Her heart is still a little too small to be able to see details, so that ultrasound was scheduled for March 15th. The cystic hygroma has measured 18mm for the past three ultrasounds and this ultrasound it measured at 17mm!!! Huge praise!!! Hope is weighing about 7 ounces now and measuring where she should be. Both kidneys were a little dialated, but nothing to be concerned over. The umbilical cord only had one artery and one vein, when a normal cord has two arteries and one vein. They will watch her growth rate closely because of this. They need to make sure she is getting enough blood and oxygen.

Over the weekend Andy and I spent some time in the ER. Long story short, after hours of contracting and dialating (only a finger tip) they found that I have a small kidney stone. The great thing about this whole thing is that we found our regular OB that will be able to deliver Hope. She is a christian and we liked her. She also works alongside with our specialists, which is wonderful. She is already familiar with them and knows the "process". Our specialist is just watching Hope and her progress, but nothing else with the pregnancy. They just consult. So this is another answer to prayer.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family.


  1. I'm glad to hear some positive things! Thanks for sharing and keeping us all updated. We continue to pray.

  2. Hi from Andy's Indiana cousin on the Hack side.
    I found your blog via good old Facebook.
    We will keep you guys in our prayers.

  3. AMAZING!! I am just amazed at God's goodness. Amazing. I love it.
    -laura marsh
