Friday, February 5, 2010

Psalm 118:24

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice AND be glad in it."

This verse has given me such encouragement. I find that I am reciting it throughout the day. I remember singing the fun song in church as a kid. But now, with what we are facing as a family and individuals it has new meaning. Here is the way it is speaking to my heart.

The first sentence is fact: This very day, today, is the day the Lord has made. What a wonderful thing. God made THIS day. He already knows what is going to happen with this day, He made it. There is comfort in that. The second part I didn't catch until I started to really meditate on it. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is totally a choice that you and I make each and everyday. We can choose to rejoice in this beautiful day that God has made just for us, OR not. I have to continually remind myself throughout the day to rejoice AND be glad in this very day that my loving Father created for me. Honestly, there are days where it is really hard to rejoice. I get so caught up in my own thoughts, worries, trials, etc. But then God brings this wonderful verse to mind. When we choose to see what God has blessed us with it is easier to rejoice in God and this day!

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