Monday, February 1, 2010

Ultrasound 2-1-10

Today I was able to see our beautiful Hope Asaiah. She is growing right on track and the doctor was pleased about that. I was thrilled to hear that the cystic hygroma is still at 1.8cm. It is the same size from the last appointment two weeks ago. Of course, the doctor wouldn't say that was good. BUT, I take it as good news. :) Her left kidney was dialated so they will be watching that. The doctor said he wasn't concerned about it and that there is no obstructions from her kidney to her bladder. I'm not too sure what that means at this point. They will just watch and see. Other than that she looks great. Hope looked wonderful and I was thankful for a good "report". Thank you for continued prayers. I have another ultrasound on February 15th and can't wait to see our miracle again.

p.s. We are at week 16!!! We count each day a joy and a gift!

1 comment:

  1. Andy & Jenn-

    I am a friend of Josh's. I have been & will continue to pray for Baby Asaiah. The picture of the sonogram with her hand above her head is precious!! GOD is an ENORMOUS GOD... He is loving, mysterious & amazing. I am praying He will perform an amazing miracle by fully healing Baby Asaiah!
