Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hope's Life Verse

Ok, so I am being presumptious by giving Hope her life verse before she is even born. But, I am her mommy. She can change it when she knows the Word and decides one for herself. :) I don't know about you, but when I find a Scripture that speaks to me or one that someone gives me I underline and date it. Needless to say, there are alot of underlined Scriptures in my Bible. This verse was given to me on January 22, 2010 from a very good friend for our baby. We were just going through the process of the amnio and waiting for the results. When she emailed me this verse I wrote it on probably 3-5 index cards and put them up and carried one with me. I was just doing my Bible study and flipped by this page. Elisabeth was sitting by me reading her Proverbs for the day and I said, "sissy, I need to read you this verse. And remember, God's Word is true. He keeps His promises, He can not lie." After reading it to her we talked about it and I thought more on it. Yep, this verse is for Hope. Andy and I already see her as a miracle, as we do our other 4 kids that we were told we wouldn't be able to have. For Hope, she has been a miracle to us in so many ways and she is not even in our arms yet. With her pregnancy we have been humbled in unimaginable ways, miracle. We have been able to share with non-believers in the medical field our feelings on life begins with conception and this life we have been given is a gift from God, miracle. Hope is thriving and strong despite us being told she would not make it past this date, and this date and so on, miracle. The amnio came back normal, miracle. The cystic hygroma went down a point, miracle. Through this huge trial Andy and I have been growing. Sometimes it feels like we are going backwards, but... The truth is, our faith is being strengthened daily as we have no other choice than to lean totally on the One true living God, miracle. There are SO many more things that I can list, but I'll let you take some time to reflect on the many miracles that God is doing in your own lives. So... I can say with confidence that for now this is Hope Asaiah's verse!

"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 9:10

I cannot wait for the day that she is born and we will put this verse on her little bed in the hospital for all to see! What a testimony this little girl is!!!


  1. Praise God for His grace and miracles daily! I praise God for you Jenn and your beautiful friendship. We continue to pray for you all. I love you, my sweet friend.
