Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 24

Did you hear it??? Did you hear the big sigh of relief that Andy and I had when we realized that today we are 24 weeks!!! That means that the medical community consider Hope "viable" and if needed they will intervene and help to keep her in mommy's tummy. This was a huge milestone that our entire family has been counting down for. Hope is still doing wonderful. She moves alot. Nathan and I were chatting about how active she is and he said in his 8 year old wisdom, "mom, what if she is just a girl version of Ben???" We both looked at eachother and did the Home Alone grab of the face and yelled. (Ben is VERY, VERY busy and keeps us all on our toes all day long.) Daddy, Hannah and Nathan have all felt Hope kick. Elisabeth is a little bitter, every time she puts her hand on my tummy Hope stops moving. She is already teasing her older sister.

So Hope is doing great, but mommy can't seem to get these kidney stone issues under control. I was back in the hospital on March 18th. I was having tons of painful contractions and they were very steady with a lot of back pain. I knew I wasn't in labor, but I also knew I was hurting and needed some help. We actually got to go to Labor and Delivery this time!!! The contractions were registering on the machines, but I was not dialating. Good news. The doctor said the kidney stones must have moved and was causing the contractions and pain. They sent me home with pain pills and said drink tons of fluids. Other than putting in an IV and flushing tons of fluids, that is all they can do at this point. So...another waiting game. Waiting for the kidney stones to pass. Oh please, oh please pass. It is tiring for my entire family to have mommy contracting everyday. Probably because it makes this mommy not able to sleep, and very, very irritable. All part of the fun.


  1. Celebrating with you -- week 24, not the kidney stones!

  2. Goodness! You are the third person that I have heard having kidney stones within the last week! Crazy!
    Yay! 24...celebrate good times come on!
