Monday, March 15, 2010

The Best far!!

We think she looks like a Price baby here! Round pretty head and a pointy chin!!!

Yes, I look tired because I am :) That's what happens when your friend comes for less than a 24 hour visit.

Children, look away. Do adjust the dial on your screens, my belly has really gotten this big!!!

Today was the "big day". I went to the specialist and had Hope's big heart ultrasound. At the last ultrasound the doctor had said that her umbilical cord only had the two vessels instead of the three and that could be caused by a heart defect. The hygroma could also be caused from a heart issue. So I went into the appointment knowing that it could be a difficult appointment.

So here's a little back story before we get to Dr. Howard's office early Monday morning. When we lived in Indiana we had wonderful friends that became "family". The Crone's and Price's were ALWAYS at each other's birthday parties and events and just always at each other's houses. Our kids are bestfriends and it has been very hard to be apart. Well... Elisabeth turned 10 this past week and the Crone's surprised her and came to her birthday party this past Sunday!!! It was the best thing to hear the screaming and jumping up and down!!! Big Blessing for the kids. The big blessing for me was that my friend, Edie, got to come to Hope's ultrasound. What a blessing that my good friend was able to be here for this big day!!! Of course Edie and I stayed up WAY too late last night and dragged ourselves out of bed to get ready for the early appointment. We drove to Duncan Donuts and got her a coffee and then we got on the road to the doctor's. I was feeling a little nervous about today's visit and wondering what would be found. There seems to be just so much that we have "digested" during these past few months. I tried not to guess at all of the possibilities. Edie and I had a good time just goofing around waiting for my turn.
I had a new tech today and she was the sweetest ever. She was very friendly and so talkative, I know this is a surprise but I love that!! :) When the ultrasound started and Hope appeared on the screen I couldn't believe it. She had gotten so big!!! The tech thought she was sleeping because her little arms were over her face and she was very still and so sweet. She was able to get some great pictures of her heart and her other organs. Wonderful news and BIG praise, Hope's heart looks great. Blood flow was wonderful, chambers clear and great. Everything looked wonderful. Then the doctor came in and he had his turn. Hope woke up and was all over the place, it was actually kind of funny. He finally was able to get good pictures and he confirmed that she was doing wonderful. He asked if I had been drinking Miracle Grow?? I asked why and he said, she is in the 81% range on the growth chart!!!! She is measuring big and wonderful. She is about 1 pound 2 ounces now and looks absolutely beautiful. Here is the best part..... the cystic hygroma is measuring 1.3!!! It was 1.7 last visit. This is a huge answer to prayer. This is a quote from the doctor, " except for the hygroma this baby looks totally healthy." That was music to my ears and just another big testimony of God's healing hand and grace. I can not say how much we appreciate your prayers and support. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the prayers that are being lifted for our daughter are powerful. They are what is keeping our family going right now. Thank you.


  1. AWESOME!! I'm so thankful to hear this happy report. :) Singin' praises with ya!

    (She's looking beautiful too.)

  2. Thanks for keeping us all updated!

    Thoughts and prayers :-)

  3. Praise Jesus! Thank you Jenn and Andy for allowing us to be a part of God's miracle.

  4. Halleluiah - Praise the Lord. Boy howdy we have an *AWESOME* God ! Always makes this grown woman cry.

  5. YAY!!! I just saw this Jenn. So happy for you guys and baby Hope. Will continue to pray that the hygroma goes away completely!

  6. Praise God! We've been requesting prayer for ya here at our local church! God is good!

  7. Wonderful, wonderful news!!! God is good! And how fun for all of you to be able to visit with the Crones!! It looks like you and Edie had a great time together - love you all!
