Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ultrasound February 15

Here is the latest picture of Hope Asaiah. She was very sweet and kept putting her little hand by her face. You can see her hand above her head.

This visit went really well. The ultrasound was the full anatomy scan where they check on the organs and take measurements. From what they could see so far, everything looked good. Her heart is still a little too small to be able to see details, so that ultrasound was scheduled for March 15th. The cystic hygroma has measured 18mm for the past three ultrasounds and this ultrasound it measured at 17mm!!! Huge praise!!! Hope is weighing about 7 ounces now and measuring where she should be. Both kidneys were a little dialated, but nothing to be concerned over. The umbilical cord only had one artery and one vein, when a normal cord has two arteries and one vein. They will watch her growth rate closely because of this. They need to make sure she is getting enough blood and oxygen.

Over the weekend Andy and I spent some time in the ER. Long story short, after hours of contracting and dialating (only a finger tip) they found that I have a small kidney stone. The great thing about this whole thing is that we found our regular OB that will be able to deliver Hope. She is a christian and we liked her. She also works alongside with our specialists, which is wonderful. She is already familiar with them and knows the "process". Our specialist is just watching Hope and her progress, but nothing else with the pregnancy. They just consult. So this is another answer to prayer.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family.

Friday, February 12, 2010

17 weeks, 5 days

The kids love this Baby Under Construction shirt :)

Well here it is....the belly! I have been told the past few days that my tummy has "popped" out. I didn't really believe it was that big of a deal until I saw these pictures today! Yikes!!! But it is a good yikes. :) It means baby Hope is growing. We like that. I can feel her kicks more often. Especially after I eat oranges, my new craving! I can not get enough oranges and apples. Yummy. We have another ultrasound on Monday at 9:15 am. I will hopefully be able to post the ultrasound pic, the last one was way too dark. Please be praying for that appointment. I am looking forward to seeing Hope and praying that we get some good news.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Romans 5:3-5

This was the prayer at the end of my Beth Moore study this morning. Isn't it amazing that when we spend time with the Lord, He is more than ready to pour into our lives! I love that. I pray that this encourages you today. I have really been reflecting on the verses in Romans.

"Lord God, help me to see that times of difficulty or decision in my life are meant, by your sovereign love and mercy, not to pressure me into impatience but rather to grow in me patience and endurance. This in turn produces experience and proven character, which ultimately grows into a hope that does not disappoint, because Your love is being poured out in my heart through the Holy Spirit You have given me." (then read Romans 5:3-5)

Monday, February 8, 2010


Today a friend said, "Girl you are SO in your second trimester!" That would be because my little tummy is starting to poke out. (I will try and post a pic tomorrow Lauren!) This makes my two girls very happy. They are always touching and talking to Hope. We love that. The second reason she said that is that I am really wanting to get things ready for Hope Asaiah's arrival. We have been told that she most likely will come early , so that just makes me want to get moving even more. So..... furniture will be moved around a little. And then the fun. Going through the clothes, blankets, burp rags, etc. and seperating it. Very exciting. Anyone want to help????

Friday, February 5, 2010

Psalm 118:24

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice AND be glad in it."

This verse has given me such encouragement. I find that I am reciting it throughout the day. I remember singing the fun song in church as a kid. But now, with what we are facing as a family and individuals it has new meaning. Here is the way it is speaking to my heart.

The first sentence is fact: This very day, today, is the day the Lord has made. What a wonderful thing. God made THIS day. He already knows what is going to happen with this day, He made it. There is comfort in that. The second part I didn't catch until I started to really meditate on it. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is totally a choice that you and I make each and everyday. We can choose to rejoice in this beautiful day that God has made just for us, OR not. I have to continually remind myself throughout the day to rejoice AND be glad in this very day that my loving Father created for me. Honestly, there are days where it is really hard to rejoice. I get so caught up in my own thoughts, worries, trials, etc. But then God brings this wonderful verse to mind. When we choose to see what God has blessed us with it is easier to rejoice in God and this day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. " John 14:27

I was reminded today from a good friend that when we can't pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. I am so thankful. I have had a hard time sleeping the past few nights. Even though we have been given so many wonderful words of encouragement from so many of you, the negative words from the medical world have been wreaking havoc on my mind. Between contractions, and thoughts that are NOT from the Lord I toss and turn all night. My husband encouraged me to return to the Word , that is where our help comes from. That is where the only Truth is! I would encourage all of us to open the Book of Life and read just a verse and meditate on the sweet Words from the Lord. A passage that gave comfort to me today was Isaiah 61:1-3.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ultrasound 2-1-10

Today I was able to see our beautiful Hope Asaiah. She is growing right on track and the doctor was pleased about that. I was thrilled to hear that the cystic hygroma is still at 1.8cm. It is the same size from the last appointment two weeks ago. Of course, the doctor wouldn't say that was good. BUT, I take it as good news. :) Her left kidney was dialated so they will be watching that. The doctor said he wasn't concerned about it and that there is no obstructions from her kidney to her bladder. I'm not too sure what that means at this point. They will just watch and see. Other than that she looks great. Hope looked wonderful and I was thankful for a good "report". Thank you for continued prayers. I have another ultrasound on February 15th and can't wait to see our miracle again.

p.s. We are at week 16!!! We count each day a joy and a gift!