Monday, January 25, 2010

We are very appreciative of the love, prayer, and support we have received the past few weeks from all of you. The number of emails and phone calls is overwhelming and encouraging, and many of you have asked for more updates. We humbly send this note out to update you on Jenn and the baby.
Jenn is resting as much as possible. If she stands too long or moves too much, she cramps and feels miserable the rest of the day. She spends all day resting, which is fine with me and the kids, because we want Jenn and the baby to be healthy.
We have the amniocentesis scheduled on the 19th at 8am to provide us with more information regarding chromosomal abnormalities. I would love your prayers for that test specifically for the safety of the baby and for Jenn’s nerves and safety during the test.
My other babies, Elisabeth 9, Nathan 7, Hannah 5, and Ben 3, are wonderful, and they have handled the time without Mommy as well as possible. We have been able to do some homeschool again and are hopeful the cold snap is over here in Knoxville so they can get outside for some play time. Please pray for our kids in that they have all the love and attention they need.
My workplace has been very supportive and giving, allowing me time to do what I need for my family. Cornestone Church has covered us in love and support with meals and child care. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Our perspective is this. God is very kind to us. Each day that Jenn carries the baby is a blessing to us. Each day that I get to huddle close with my wife and kids is a blessing. I know we are all precious to Him. (we are officially 14 weeks along!)
Please pray for the people of Haiti. We know nothing of pain and suffering. I cannot imagine being there, losing family and friends and having my country completely devastated.
God bless you guys,
The Prices
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. (One day at a time!)

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