Monday, January 25, 2010

Amnio Update

We are continually humbled by your prayers, love and support. We continue to pray for our unborn gift, that God’s Mighty Healing Hands will touch him/her.

On Tuesday morning we had the amniocentesis. I will be honest, I was VERY nervous. The thought of a six inch needle going into my belly right where my baby is that is already struggling was not very appealing. Tuesday morning I woke up early and went straight to the Word. I put on some praise music as I got ready and just uttered little prayers as best as I could. I packed a bag with two Bibles, a devotional and all the cards that you wonderful people have sent us. We got to the office in plenty of time and started the check in process. It looked like we were not going to have to wait long and then a little snag. They had to draw my blood and run it stat before the amnio to make sure everything was ok. I thought, ugh more time to sit and have too much time in my own head and thoughts. I went to my bag of goodies and just spread it all on my lap. I looked up the Scriptures from the cards, I spent a lot of time in Isaiah and just meditating on His Truth’s. As I was reading an overwhelming sense of peace washed over me and I was ready. I actually stood up because I just knew, God was with me and just then the nurse called my name.

In the room the technician started with the ultrasound to make sure my body was ok to have the procedure. The doctor came in and he took over the ultrasound. The nurse prepared my tummy and we all got ready. When Andy grabbed my hand another wave of peace and comfort came over me and I was actually able to goof off with the doctor and relax my stomach muscles. The procedure itself was shockingly not horrible. The blood draw beforehand was ten times worse! The contractions that I have had after have been very painful and exhausting. But that is to be expected. As far as the amnio itself we will not have the results for 7-10 business days. When we get the results we will be able to make a, “what to do next” list. As far as the baby the hygroma has not gotten any bigger. That is a praise! The doctor said that a couple of things can happen.

· The hygroma will continue to grow as the same proportion of the baby. If that happens it will eventually cause the baby to go into cardiac arrest.
· The hygroma could “resolve”, he didn’t really lean towards this one! But we would like too!!!
For now we just wait until the results come in. This part for me personally is trying. A part of me wants to know if our baby has a chromosome disorder, and another part of me does not. But, I know that God is totally in control and as we have been reminded over and over He has already numbered this child’s days.

We ask that you continue to lift our child up to the Lord. We know He is moving in our lives and Andy and I are SO thankful. I have included a picture of our blessing that was done this past Tuesday. It is a very good picture of the cystic hygroma. (we don’t have a scanner, sorry!) When looking at the picture the baby’s head is on the right and then the body going to the left. The hygroma starts in the middle of the baby’s forehead and goes to the baby’s back. Two weeks ago it went to the base of the tail bone, this one showed it only went a little past the shoulders. That is very encouraging to us. It also wasn’t as wide. The last was double the size of the baby’s head width. Now it doesn’t seem to be as wide. I am hopeful!!! One thing we have learned is that the hygroma is not something that is not growing on the outside of the baby. This is actually under the baby’s skin and his/her skin is being stretched out to that size. That is a very hard thing for Andy and I to swallow.

Again, thank you for lifting this child and pregnancy up in prayer. Thank you for praying for Elisabeth, Nathan, Hannah and Benjamin. Their worlds have also been rocked. It is hard for them to have mommy on the couch all day long. We know that God is protecting their hearts.

We love you all,

Andy and Jenn

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