Monday, January 25, 2010

First Ultrasound

Thank you all so much for your prayers, love, concern, food, and care during Jenn’s pregnancy. We need your prayers more than ever right now.
Today Jen n had her first regular ultrasound with our new OB. We brought along Elisabeth so she could see the baby and enjoy the experience. During the ultrasound, the technician became very quiet and told us that a nurse would normally review the ultrasound with us, but she found something of concern and our doctor would need to review the ultrasound with us. One hour later we are sitting in our OB ’s office and he gently but firmly informed us that the baby has an abnormality and very serious condition and that we needed to see a specialist immediately. Dr McCollum told us that our baby has a cystic hygroma. While we were sitting at his desk he called the specialist and told them we were coming. We tried our best to not let on too much in front of Elisabeth. Our wonderful friend Anne Graves dropped everything and raced to ParkWest hospital to pick up Elisabeth so we could go to the specialist alone.
We drove across Knoxville to the UT Medical Center and waited anxiously to see the perinatologist. We prayed and talked and cried due to the sudden news and the unknown as we waited for about 2 more hours. While waiting, a friend sent Psalm 139 to my iphone to remind us of God’s sovereignty and how He knew us while we were yet in our mother’s womb. God is in control. We need to cling to that chapter and God’s faithful word. He loves us.
The technician at the specialist’s office performed a preliminary ultrasound and didn’t say much. The doctor finally came in and started his ultrasound and immediately became concerned. He found a large cyst growing on our baby’s head that has grown all the way down the length of our baby’s body. He told us right away that our baby had a serious condition and began listing the potential issues and concerns. I don’t want to confuse the issues, so I will list them below.
Part 1- Part 1 is a for sure thing. The baby has a cystic hygroma, which is a cyst full of lymphatic fluid, growing the full length of its body. The width is the same size as the baby’s head which really alarmed the doctor. The visual of our little baby was just about more than Jen n and I could absorb.
Part 2- Within the cyst there is another growth that is associated with a 75% chance of the baby having a chromosome abnormality. We need more testing on this part to determine what and if there is a chromosome abnormality.

Preliminary prognosis:
The doctor was very honest about our baby’s issues. History shows that babies with this size cyst usually miscarry at some point during the pregnancy. He also said that even if we do deliver the baby, it will not be healthy and will more than likely face a myriad of health issues and probably a very short life span. He asked us more than once if we would consider aborting the baby, but we are determined to let God determine the outcome of our baby’s life. The list of potential syndromes and disorders and the treatments and dangers of each is just too much to list
We met with the genetic counselor and she and the doctor recommend that we wait a few weeks for a couple of reasons. First, give time to see what the cyst does. In some cases it can decrease in size, or get larger. Because this cyst is often related to something to do with the baby’s heart we need to wait till Jen n is 14 weeks to be able to see the heart structure and any “issues” that may be there. Another reason we need to wait is so that the doctor will be able to perform an
The outlook is tough. The news we received today shocked us and forced us to consider major life decisions and emotions on a level in which are ill prepared. To be honest, our spirits our low. We are already weary from the move and Jen n’s tough pregnancy. In the end though, our pain and fear drove us to our Lord. God is good no matter what our circumstances. God never changes. God loves us as much today as He ever will. We choose to praise Him and as His children, boldly ask for healing and mercy.
We are scheduled for the amniocentesis on the 19th. In the meantime, Jen n will rest, we will love and protect our kids, Andy will work hard at this new job, and we will trust the Lord. We are sending out this detailed update so that we can focus on what is ahead for us. I wish we could call everyone and update you personally, but time and energy are short for us right now. Please know we love you all.
Prayer Requests:
- Jen n. For physical strength, rest, and trust in God. That her nausea and dizziness would go away.
-Our baby. Safety. Complete healing.
-Our doctors and nurses. Wisdom. Guidance. That they would see God working.
- The Price kids. Elisabeth, Nathan, Hannah, and Ben (they are precious).
-Andy. That I protect, lead, serve, and love my family. I need God’s guidance. I need to do my job well.
-Our hearts. We need to focus on God’s goodness and the truths in His word.
Love, the Prices

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