Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Since our OB appointment last Thursday, things have been a ride! My poor family. :) On Thursday the doctor checked me and I have started to dialate from the contractions that I have been having. When she checked me that morning I was 1cm and everything else was ok. She told me to take Procardia every 4 hours no matter what and then come back in one week. Well... I had an allergic reaction to that med and was still contracting about 5-6 contractions in an hour. So... back to the labor and delivery triage we go. (I brought my own belts with me this time, the nurse was very thankful!) After watching the contractions on the monitor they gave me a shot of another medication and waited. The doctor checked me again and now I was a "solid" 1cm and now 20% effaced. They sent me home with a RX of the new med and I am to take it every 4 hours. I am still contracting here and there. When I get to the 5-6 contractions in an hour I lay down and wait it out. I will be going back to the doctor this Thursday. We are praying that this new medication will help keep Hope in mommy's tummy for a little longer.


  1. Stay, Hope! It's such a nice, cozy home!

  2. Jen, I just spent the evening going over your posts, I haven't read for awhile. I'm so glad Hope is doing so well, praise the Lord! I will pray for your contractions to stop and that baby Hope will stay in there for awhile! I can't believe this journey you've been on, you're so brave and its a blessing to see your reliance on God through it all! Its truly a miracle to see this all unfolding! May Hope bless your family beyond what you could ever imagine!

  3. Thanks for the support girls. God is so working on Andy and I during this process.
