Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quick Update

I went to the OB today for a "quick" check to see if the new med is working. I told the doctor that I still contract on the medicine. So she did an exam to see if anything had changed. Good news is that I am still only 1cm dialated but now I am 40% effaced. Just a little change. I was thankful it wasn't more. So now I am to take motrin with the medicine for the contractions. They are hoping that the two together will help settle things down. We will see. :) Andy and I have Hope's ultrasound this next Monday. We have a nice list of questions to ask the doctor about the latest witht the fluid on her brain. Happy Monday to him!!! :) I am so very thankful that God has provided us with these wonderful doctors. Please pray for God to give them wisdom as they take care of Hope and make plans for the near future.

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